

Base is an Ethereum Layer 2 (L2) chain that offers a safe, low-cost, developer-friendly way to build on-chain.

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What is



Base is an Ethereum Layer 2 (L2) chain that provides a secure, cost-effective, and developer-friendly environment for on-chain development. Created in partnership with Optimism and built on OP Stack, Base offers a promising L2 solution.

As an incubation project within Coinbase, Base offers full EVM compatibility at a lower cost, easy gasless transactions, and aims to be decentralized and open-source, fostering a thriving community of developers.

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Frequently asked questions

What is Base?

Base is an Ethereum Layer 2 (L2) chain, developed in collaboration with Optimism, offering a cost-effective and user-friendly environment for on-chain development. It is incubated within Coinbase, offering EVM compatibility at a lower cost, easy gasless transactions, and aims to be decentralized and open-source.

What is a Layer 2?

A layer-2 network, built on top of Ethereum, operates independently from the Ethereum mainnet (Layer 1), providing developers and users with advantages like enhanced scalability, faster transactions, lower gas fees, and maintained security and decentralization.

Are there plans for a native token on Base?

There are currently no plans for a native token on Base. ETH is the native gas token.